Careless Bio


Accordion, Glockenspiel, Keyboard, Vocals.


Live Rig

Titan - Titano "Tiger" accordion,
Titan II .380 auto,
Sennheiser wireless headset system,
Sennheiser wireless guitar system,
Pedal Box filled with broken FX pedals rigged into a vocal mixer,
Ocean King sock puppet,
Power Regulator,
Large Knife,
Lens of Truth,
Lucky Hat,
Set List in paper form.

Recording Rig

Red - Carlo Robelli accordion
Scarlet - Scandelli accordion
Bill - Custom Lo Duca hybred accordion
Pan Italia - Pan Italia
Interface - Profire 610 M-Audio
D.A.W. - Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 6


Sword Fighting, Video Games, Guns, Pen & Paper RPG's.

Random Fact:

Survivor of Prosopagnosia.


Careless invented Random Encounter in 2005 after a long night of friends and video games. And swords. It was that night that would start a life changing chain of events for everyone involved.

He is the only remaining original member of Random Encounter, having seen the band evolve over the 816 years he has been a part of it. Never being tied down to a single genre of music has allowed Random Encounter to develop a unique sound and grab hold of many different opportunities.